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Hello! I'm Richard Bogath.
I'm a Coach & Ecommerce Business
Mentor on the Jersey Shore.


Curious to gain insight into the professional guiding you through this journey? 

I am a certified coach, instructor, and trainer across a spectrum of disciplines, drawing upon a distinguished tenure as a director in eCommerce, management, and customer experience & services. As a facilitator, my expertise extends to fostering growth within both youth and adult groups, where I serve as a consummate problem solver.  My proficiency derives from hands-on interactions within my personal and professional spheres, enabling individuals to uncover their optimal trajectories and realize personal and vocational ambitions.


About Me

MY Services.

One on One Coaching.

I believe that one-on-one coaching is the best way to achieve real, lasting change. My personalized approach is tailored to your specific needs, and I will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals.

As a coach and mentor, I work with clients on a wide range of topics, such as career development, business management, eCommerce, team building, time management, and more. I provide support, guidance, and accountability to help clients make positive changes, gain clarity, and make progress towards their desired outcomes without judgement or discrimination of any kind.

Workshops and Programs.

At Bogath Coaching, we offer a range of workshops and programs designed to help you achieve your goals. Coaching workshops are interactive and educational sessions designed to provide participants with insights, tools, and strategies to enhance their personal and professional lives. These workshops are typically led by either myself or experienced guest coaches or professionals in related fields. The goal of these workshops is to empower participants with practical skills and knowledge to make positive changes, set and achieve goals, and develop a greater sense of team and personal growth.

The coaching relationship is built on trust, open communication, and a commitment to the client's growth and success. I help clients break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps and provide ongoing support to keep you on track with 100% confidentiality.


Coaching workshops are a valuable opportunity for individuals to gain new insights, connect with like-minded individuals, and acquire practical skills . If you're considering attending a workshop, rest assured that we have researched the facilitator's credentials and the workshop's content to ensure it aligns with your goals and expectations.

Let's Talk
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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